In order to make these identifications work, Velikovsky claims that the Hittite Empire is an invention of modern historians, and the supposedly Hittite archaeological remains in modern Turkey are actually Chaldean i.e. Neo-Babylonian.
The Hittite kings are held to be "ghost doubles" of the Neo-Babylonian kings, and therefore Rameses II's battle with the Hittites at Kadesh is identical to Necho's fight against Nebuchadrezzar II at Carchemish, Nabopolassar is Mursili II, Neriglissar is Muwatalli, Labashi-Marduk is Urhi-Teshup, and Nebuchadrezzar II is Hattusili III.
Taken from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_in_Chaos
AMAIC Comment: Velikovsky had the right idea, but unfortunately he did not pay proper heed to archaeological detail, so his alignment does not work we think.
This blog, building upon Velikovsky's foundations, attempts to create an archaeologically-compatible revision of the Ramessides.